Tasty Eating for Healthy Living

Free Quick and Easy Recipes, Free Diet Recipe, food recipes, recipes for chicken, healthy heart recipes

Healthy Eating and Basics essential

concept of Healthy Eating and Basics essential

balanced diet

The human body required food to provide energy for all life processes and for growth, repair and maintenance of cell and tissues.

balanced diet vs healthy diet

balanced diet is better for health is an accepted fact but some believe a healthy diet also mean a balanced diet. . .

Healthy heart tips

Healthy heart tips Every person is aware of that health is wealth. A person who is suffering for unhealthy health pays such lot money on doctors, medicines and hospitals.

Saturday 12 January 2013

healthy heart tips

Healthy heart tips

regular health heart tipsEvery person is aware of that health is wealth. A person who is suffering for unhealthy health pays such lot money on doctors, medicines and hospitals. That’s why people not capable to live their life properly. Good health may be a real gold of life. God gave us lovely body but we need so many precautions for building up a good health. If our health is good then we tend to ready to assume new ideas. For good health we avoid the unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking and drug addiction. Use the morning walk daily, use lightweight exercises, take a breath in fresh air, it’s very useful for your lungs. Do not jealous from the others. Take an honest and nutritive diet every day. We must always create the habit of cleanliness to stay healthy. Thus take bath every day, Eat fresh, drink fresh and avoid to eat outsider junk foods. It’s terribly harmful for our health. Build friendship with fresh vegetables, Try to eat more and more green vegetables. Drink fresh homemade combine fruits and vegetables juice every day, it’s very useful to make blood. Its brings glow on face, and makes skin shiny. So friend’s, juice play a very essential roll to make us good looking and healthy.


Vitamins are chemical compounds that need in very little quantities, which are necessary for normal metabolism and health. They are found broadly distributed in food and are divided into two groups:
  • fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K
  • water-soluble vitamins: B complex, C

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Food guide pyramid

What is food pyramid?

A food guide pyramid is a simple way of knowing the kind of food one needs to consume and in what amount to ensure good health. It is obvious that there is interplay of nutrients in the body. When we talk about nutrients it is important to know the quantity that is how much to eat. This can be understood better with the concept of a Food guide pyramid. This can form a foundation for a good diet that provides the essential nutrients.

food pyramid

Definition of RDA

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the amount of particular nutrients that must be consumed daily to ensure good health. The RDA % is scientifically calculated and is accepted worldwide.

There are two types of food pyramid:

Food guide pyramid
(for vegetarians)
Food guide pyramid
(for non- vegetarians)

Drink water regularly at least 8 cups of fluid per day

way of reducing salt in you diet

Way of reduce salt in your daily diet

How do I reduce salt in my diet?

Approximately 40% sodium by weight, slat is combination of sodium and chloride. The truth is, our bodies need sodium to help us regulate blood pressure and blood volume. Sodium also assists in keeping our muscles and nerves in tiptop shape. But as in all things, moderation is the ultimate key.Here are some tips that can help you reduce salt in the daily diet:

  1. Choose fresh fruit, unsalted nuts or plain popcorn over chiwda, ganthia, sev, chakli, salted nuts and savory biscuits.
  2. Avoid processed and convenience foods since these are often loaded with salt.
  3. Try not to add salt to food at the table. Try adding pepper or other ground spices.
  4. Choose products that have reduced salt content, such as unsalted butter

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Healthy Eating and basic essentian

Healthy Eating and

Basics essential

The concept of healthy eating

Healthy eating is based on three simple aspects- Balance, Moderation and variation. When these three parameters are mastered, one feels great, has more energy and remains healthy! There are no strict nutrition philosophies, or a rule that one has to stay unrealistically thin. Healthy eating also does not mean that one is deprived of favorite foods. Learning some nutrition basics and incorporating them in a way that works for you can achieve all this. Believe it or not, healthy Eating can be tasty, exciting and exotic too!


Basics are essential

Every ingredient from the basic five food groups has a specific role to play in your health. That’s
Why we should aim for a balanced diet. Eating too much of one or not enough of another is not good for anyone and may result in deficiencies.
a balanced diet contains different types of food in those quantities and proportions such that the need for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients is adequately met an small provision is made for extra nutrients for when one’s health comes under stress.
the different food that should be included in the diet so as to get the necessary nutrients are cereals and millets, pulses, fruits and vegetables, milk an d milk products, meat an meat product, sugar and fat. In addition, a balanced diet should provide non-nutrients like fiber, which provides positive health benefits. Fluid intake in the form of water and water based drinks is also essential for good health. Water is essential for the correct functioning of the kidneys and bowels. At least 6-8 glasses of plain water should be consumed each day.

Balanced diet

What is balanced diet?

The human body required food to provide energy for all life processes and for growth, repair and maintenance of cell and tissues. The dietetic needs vary according to age, sex and occupation. Every ingredient that we partake of has a specific role to play in our health. Eating a well-balanced diet on a regular basis and staying at an ideal weight are critical factors in maintaining emotional and physical well – being. The word ‘diet’ id often used to describe an eating plan intended to aid weight-loss. However, diet really refers to the foods a person eats in the course of a day or week. The more balanced and nutrition the diet, the healthier the person can expect to be.  A balanced diet means eating the right amount of food from all the food groups. Choose the types of foods that improve your health and avoid the types of foods that raise your risk for illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Expand your range of healthy choices to include a variety of delicious food.

The benefit of balanced diet is numerous. No single food contains everything’s the body needs so it is important to eat a variety of them. The right amount of essential nutrients can increase life expectancy by keeping the heart and body healthy and preventing many long-term illnesses.

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